In our ongoing profile series BLACK ROSE SOCIETY is interviewing the makers and innovators, the representatives and heads of various vampyre community organizations, including traditional forms of vampyric self-organization like vampyre houses, vampyre covens and vampyre clans. Our aim is to document and celebrate a great and diverse vampyre culture and vampyre society. We hope to enable groups, houses, covens and clans to present themselves in our publication and to use our network to connect with interested parties drawn to their individual character and vision.
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed during the series are solely those of the individuals involved, and do not necessarily represent those of BLACK ROSE SOCIETY, the Directorate/Board of Directors, its individual members, or any other group or individual.
- What is the history behind your name?
- Would you explain your sigil‘s meaning to us?
- What can you tell us about your group‘s foundation?
- What are some of your guiding principles and aims?
- Are there topics or areas of vampyrism your group specifically focuses on?
- Is there a specific code of ethics your group ascribes to? For example Black Veil, Totum Lex Vampyrica, The Vampire Ethos, Orthodox Vampyrism etc.
- Is your group rooted in a specific tradition, spiritual, religious, secular or otherwise?
- How is your group organized? Is there a form of hierarchy and how is it arranged?
- Is your group centered regionally? Is your membership from the same region? Do you also accept members from different regions?
- Are there regular meetings? Does membership in your group require attendance?
- How formal is the group? Is specific etiquette expected from your members or are you more easygoing?
- What is the most common age range in your group? Are there age requirements or limits?
- Are you actively looking for new members? What is expected of your membership? And what can members in turn expect from the group? How might one join your ranks?
Should you and your project, organization or group be interested in taking part in our ongoing profile series, should you wish to showcase and present your project, organization or group, and work together with BLACK ROSE SOCIETY, we would love to hear from you. Please contact us via email: